Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sweet Home, Arizona

We arrived home last night, and we were welcomed by the characteristic heat of Arizona.  We were also greeted by my parents and our dear friend, Bob.  We were delighted by their enthusiastic reception... and the kids were over the moon with excitement!  Once home, we were treated to even more gracious hospitality as friends (and some family) prepared the house with favorite treats, fresh flowers, sharpened knives (for some chopping fun to be had later...) and a spotless home.  What a wonderful homecoming...

We slept well, as you can imagine.  We woke happy.  We are already looking ahead to some Fall opportunities.  We do not have all our luggage (it got lost in transit when we were re-routed in London...) but we have what we most need - a safe arrival home.  

Thank you for your friendship along the long summer months.  We are eager for Fall - for the new things God is doing in this season.  This blog will be on hiatus... until there is more to report or another journey to be ventured.  


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